Thursday, October 21, 2010

"Yoga is demonic"

Check out the Christian case against yoga.


  1. Though I have no personal experience with yoga, this position taken by the author of the article strikes me as horribly extreme. From my understanding, the American "brand" of yoga practiced by most is not a religious ritual, nor is it a ritual designed to channel sexual energy. It is merely a form of meditation, scarcely distinguishable from prayer, which allows an individual to achieve a state of relaxation. I am continually amazed at the number of beliefs, practices, or hobbies that are supposedly inconsistent with Christianity (e.g., yoga, Halloween, Harry Potter, political liberalism, etc.), even though there is no Scriptural basis for these opinions.

  2. I think the underlying concepts irk many Christians whether by participating in something like Yoga that's based in eastern religious thought, or in Halloween that's based in pagan tradition. The arguments usually go back to the founding ideals and their modern application. The Biblical perspective is to be "in" the world, not "of" the world (John 17). Christians must decide for themselves and follow their own convictions in these areas, and for many any participation with witchcraft or yoga is, as stated in the article, engaging "the demonic."
